Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Salute to Line Warriors

Since the outbreak of the Coronavirus Disease of 2019 (COVID-19) in Wuhan, China in December 2019 and this became a pandemic respiratory disease afterwards, the world never stop to salute the FRONTLINERS, who are dedicating and sacrificing their own safety in the battle against this infectious disease caused by a new strain of coronavirus.

In the Philippines, everybody recognizes the doctors, nurses, medics and other healthcare workers; the military personnel, the barangay officials and barangay health workers as frontliners in combatting the COVID-19 pandemic. They are considered heroes in today’s catastrophe.

But let us not disregard the private sector employees, who despite their own fear of this invisible but deadly virus are obliged to work to ensure that basic necessities and services are available since the imposition of the Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) and the stringent social distancing measures over the entire Luzon last March 17, 2020. Of course, they too, are frontliners.

Power and energy sectors are included in the basic services necessary during the ECQ. Electric distribution utilities such as electric cooperatives are among those establishments that continue its operation amid this unprecedented crisis.  Just like the recognized frontliners, employees of electric utilities are frontliners as well for ensuring efficient and reliable supply of electricity in the community. 

Among the electric utility personnel, the linemen or the line warriors are the most exposed workforce during this COVID-19 pandemic. Though their risk of contamination is very high by going to and from different areas for continued delivery of electric service, they have no option but to respond to all the needs of their customers concerning power supply.

That is the significance of a lineman’s job.  They see to it that electricity runs into every home and business establishments.  During the ECQ period where almost everyone is confined at home and that the summer heat is something to beat, let’s admit that electricity is vital.

Being a lineman is the most dangerous tasks in the power industry.  Why? It’s because they work directly on electrical lines- even on live wires.  These people risk falls, sprains, fractures, burns, transformer explosion, electrocution and other injuries that can be fatal at times.


These individuals work on top of an electric pole in whatever prevailing weather conditions.  Either under the extreme heat of the sun or during bad weather, they brave every situation and even tend to work the most hours of the day to quickly restore the power supply.  Apparently, these line warriors continue to display commitment to their profession no matter what the season is hence, it is so depressing when some people demand too much for an instant service, not knowing that these linemen possibly been on duty for long hours without rest most particularly during bad weather.

Only few people understand that line warriors also get exhausted due to lack of sleep and overworked.  Of course, they do!  But they don’t expect to be recognized, what they need is compassion. They are human and just like any other individual, they need a good night’s rest and sleep!  On situations that linemen are deprived of these needs, the quality of service deteriorates and the extent of hazards is too high.

How many electric utilities have mourned over the loss of a line warrior while fulfilling his duties?  It is truly heart-breaking on the part of the management to grieve over the death of any employee more so, when the untimely demise transpired while in the performance of duty.  However, accidents do happen at times despite strict adherence to safety precautions and use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

Every time is a perfect time to salute our line warriors.  Let us inspire them more because they would love to know that they are being appreciated for their humble contributions to the community.  With or without this COVID-19 pandemic, they are always ready to serve hence, let’s SALUTE all the LINE WARRIORS!

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